


There are limited data on homosexuality in relation to HIV/AIDS in Cameroon. In order to optimize HIV prevention, it would be of asset to determine sexual behaviors and the HIV prevalence within the community of men having sex with men (MSM).


A cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted from August to September 2011 among 239 MSM living in Yaoundé, capital city of Cameroon. The «Respondent Driven Sampling» (RDS) sampling method was used in recruiting MSM, and HIV diagnosis was performed as per the national algorithm.


In terms of sexual behaviors, 10.2% MSM have had sexual intercourse with a male partner when they were 15 years old, a rate that increased to 40% by the age of 18. Interestingly, more than 3/4 (78.2%) practiced both oral and anal intercourses, 25% had experienced grouped sexual intercourses, and 60% were bisexual.  Only 32% had used condoms during their last sexual intercourses, and just 20% exerted a systematic use of condom. HIV seroprevalence among MSM was 44.3%, significantly higher among gays (66.2%, p=0.007), and higher among the versatile (61.6%, p=0.06), older MSM (≥30 years: 67.7%), non- condom users (48.1%) and alcoholics (46.2%).


The high prevalence of HIV among MSM in Yaoundé is likely favored by the practice of homosexuality itself, (gays), versatility between sexual intercourses, advanced age, the non-use of condoms, and alcoholism. It is therefore crucial to set-up specific prevention strategies for these targets and their respective risk factors, integrating early (children <18ans) and grouped sexual intercourses in the package


Homosexuality; Sexual behaviors; HIV prevalence; Cameroon


Homosexualité Comportements sexuels Prévalence VIH Cameroun.


Comment citer
Billong, S. C., Fokam, J., Essi, M. J., & Nguefack-Tsague, G. (2013). Prévalence de l’Infection à VIH et Comportements Sexuels chez les Hommes Homosexuels dans la Ville de Yaoundé au Cameroun. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/hsd.v14i2.173
Télécharger la référence
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)


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