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Introduction: Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignant tumor of childhood. It is an important cause of ocular morbidity and mortality particularly in the underdeveloped countries.

Aim: describing the natural history, clinical features, management and outcome of patients with retinoblastoma at the University Teaching Hospital in Yaounde Cameroon.

Materials and methods: from January 2004 to March 2011,in this prospective and descriptive study, all patients with retinoblastoma were recruited. Variables studied included age of the patients at diagnosis, gender, and history of the presenting complaints, mode of presentation, previous treatment, and time interval between diagnosis and surgery, diagnosis before surgery, management. Follow up and outcom²e.

Results Eleven patients were diagnosed with retinoblastoma, 7males and 4 females a sex ratio of 0.57. The median age at diagnosis was 43,6±22,3 months. Leucocoria and exophthalmia were the most frequent presenting complaints in 50% and 25% of the cases respectively. The median lag time was 38 ±67,7 days. Eight patients were operated and 75% underwent enucleation. Three patients received adjuvant chemotherapy. Death occurred in 6 cases (75%) within a year after surgery. Late arrival to the hospital and increased lag time before surgery were the main factors worsening the prognosis. Despite surgery and chemotherapy

Conclusion: there was no change observed from the situation 10 years ago in all aspect of retinoblastoma in our hospital despite the advances in the field of retinoblastoma. Could education and raising awareness have helped?

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Retinoblastoma childhood cancer exophthalmia leucocoria enucleation

Article Details

Author Biographies

Emilienne Epee, FMBS

senoir lecturer departement of ophthalmology

Ernest Moukouri, FMBS UY1

Assistant Professor, FMSB, UY1
How to Cite
Epee, E., Moukouri, E., Koki, G., Pondy, A., & Mbassi, K. (2014). Clinical Features and Prognosis of Retinoblastoma at the University Teaching Hospital of Yaounde - Cameroon. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 15(3).


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