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Introduction. La tuberculose est une maladie chronique qui peut causer des dommages structurelles de l’organe atteint et ainsi êtreresponsable à long terme d’altérations anatomiques et fonctionnelle avec pour conséquences chroniques. La réduction du volume expiratoire maximal seconde (VEMS) est un facteur prédictif indépendant de la mortalité en rapport avec les maladies respiratoires. Objectifs. Déterminer la prévalencede l’altération de la fonction pulmonaire chez les patients ayant un antécédent de tuberculose pulmonaire(TBP). Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale incluant tous les participants âgés de 19 ans et plus avec des antécédents de TBP dans cinq villes du Cameroun : Yaoundé, Douala,Bandjoun,Garoua et Figuil entre 2014 et 2018. Nous avons analysé les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, cliniques et spirométriques des participants. Une altération de la fonction pulmonaire était définie comme un VEMS inférieur à la limite inférieure de la normale (LIN). La prévalence de l’altération de la fonction pulmonaire a été calculée comme une proportion des participants présentant le trouble ventilatoire avec un intervalle de confiance de 95%. Résultats. Des 137 participants définitivement inclus dans notre étude, 51,1% (70 sujets) étaient des hommes et 48,9% (67 sujets) étaient des femmes avec un âge moyen (± écart type) 47 ± 13.9 annéesUne altération de la fonction pulmonaire a été identifiée chez 15 des 137 participants donnant ainsi une prévalence (Intervalle de confiance a 95%) l’AFP de (10,9 %6,2% - 17,4% ). Cette AFP était modérée dans 80% des cas. Conclusion. La prévalence de l’altération de la fonction pulmonaire dans notre population d’étude était de 10.9%. La majorité présentait une altération de la fonction pulmonaire modérée.
Introduction. Tuberculosis is a chronic disease which can cause structural damage to the affected organs, thereby resulting in long term anatomical and functional abnormalities with chronic consequences. Reduced FEV1 has been shown to be an independent predictor of respiratory disease-related mortality. Objective. To investigate the prevalenceof altered pulmonary function in subjects with past history of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Methods. It was a cross sectional study including all participants aged nineteen years and above with past history of PTB from five towns in Cameroon: Yaounde, Douala, Bandjoun, Garoua and Figuil between 2014 and 2018. We analysed socio-demographic, clinical and spirometric characteristics of participants. An altered pulmonary function (APF) was defined as FEV1 below the lower limit of normal. The prevalence of APF was calculated as a proportion of those with the outcome. Results. Of the 137 subjects finally included in our study 51.1% (70 subjects) were men and 48.9% (67 subjects) were women, with a mean age (±standard deviation) of 47 ± 13.9 years. Pulmonary impairment was identified in 15 of the 137 participants giving a prevalence of pulmonary impairment (95% Confidence interval) of 10.9% 6,2% - 17,4%.This pulmonary function impairment was moderate in 80% of the cases. Conclusion. The prevalence of an APF in our population of study was 10.9%.The majority of those with APF had moderate pulmonary function impairment.
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- Pefura-Yone EW, Balkissou AD, Djenabou A, Poka-Mayap V, Moifo B, Madjoumessi M-C, et al. Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment. Http://WwwSciencepublishinggroupCom [Internet]. 2019;6(6):170. Available from:
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- Cruz R de CS, Albuquerque M de FPM de, Campelo ARL, Silva EJ da C e, Mazza E, Menezes RC, et al. Tuberculose pulmonar: associação entre extensão de lesão pulmonar residual e alteração da função pulmonar. Rev Assoc Med Bras [Internet]. 2008 Sep [cited 2021 Aug 6];54(5):406–10. Available from:
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- Ramos L, Sulmonett N, Ferreira CS, Henriques JF, Spíndola De Miranda S. Functional profile of patients with tuberculosis sequelae in a university hospital*. J Bras Pneumol. 2006;32(1):43–50.
World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Executive Summary. Organ Mund la salud [Internet].2018;8. Available from:
World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Report 2020.
Cameroon - CDC Division of Global HIV & TB - Country Profile [Internet]. [cited 2021 Feb 17]. Available from:
Matières TADES, Abréviations Lides, Ntroduction I. Ministere De La Sante PubliqueRapport Annuel d ’ Activites De Lutte Contre La Tuberculose , 2019 Equipe PNLT Table des matières. 2019;
Jung JW, Choi JC, Shin JW, Kim JY, Choi BW, Park IW. Pulmonary impairment in tuberculosis survivors: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008-2012. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 23;10(10).
Chushkin MI, Ots ON. Impaired pulmonary function after treatment for tuberculosis: the end of the disease? J Bras Pneumol [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2021 Aug 6];43(1):38. Available from: /pmc/articles/PMC5790675/
Rachow A, Ivanova O, Wallis R, Charalambous S, Jani I, Bhatt N, et al. TB sequel: incidence, pathogenesis and risk factors of long-term medical and social sequelae of pulmonary TB-a study protocol. Available from:
Radovic M, Ristic L, Ciric Z, Dinic-Radovic V, Stankovic I, Pejcic T, et al. Changes in respiratory function impairment following the treatment of severe pulmonary tuberculosis – limitations for the underlying COPD detection. Int J COPD. 2016 Jun 16;11(1):1307–16.
Pefura-Yone EW, Balkissou AD, Djenabou A, Poka-Mayap V, Moifo B, Madjoumessi M-C, et al. Prediction of Post-Tuberculosis Lung Function Impairment. Http://WwwSciencepublishinggroupCom [Internet]. 2019;6(6):170. Available from:
Ait-Khaled N, Enarson DA. TUBERCULOSIS A Manual for Medical Students. 2003;
Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Role of Radiology in Diagnosis and Management 1. [cited 2021 Aug 7]; Available from:
Wen Sewa D, How Ong T. Pulmonary Function Test: Spirometry. Proc Singapore Healthc . 2014;23.
Dudnyk A, Blyzniuk S, Pavel’chuk O, Zakharchenko O, Butov D, Zaіkov S. Initial airflow obstruction in new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis: Complication, comorbidity or missed? Indian J Tuberc. 2018 Jan 1;65(1):63–9.
Hnizdo E, Singh T, Churchyard G. Chronic pulmonary function impairment caused by initial and recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis following treatment. [cited 2021 Jan 26]; Available from:
Mbatchou Ngahane BH, Nouyep J, Nganda Motto M, Mapoure Njankouo Y, Wandji A, Endale M, et al. Post-tuberculous lung function impairment in a tuberculosis reference clinic in Cameroon. Respir Med [Internet]. 2016;114:67–71. Available from:
Khosa C, Bhatt N, Massango I, Azam K, Saathoff E, Bakuli A, et al. Development of chronic lung impairment in Mozambican TB patients and associated risks. Available from:
Cruz R de CS, Albuquerque M de FPM de, Campelo ARL, Silva EJ da C e, Mazza E, Menezes RC, et al. Tuberculose pulmonar: associação entre extensão de lesão pulmonar residual e alteração da função pulmonar. Rev Assoc Med Bras [Internet]. 2008 Sep [cited 2021 Aug 6];54(5):406–10. Available from:
Ojuawo O, Fawibe A, Desalu O, Ojuawo A, Aladesanmi A, Opeyemi C, et al. Spirometric abnormalities following treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Ilorin, Nigeria. Niger Postgrad Med J [Internet]. 2020 Jul 1 [cited 2021 Feb 8];27(3):163. Available from:
Ehrlich R, Adams S, Baatjies R, Jeebhay MF. Chronic airflow obstruction and respiratory symptoms following tuberculosis: A review of South African studies [Internet]. Vol. 15, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis; 2011 [cited 2021 Jan 26]. p. 886–91. Available from:
Ramos L, Sulmonett N, Ferreira CS, Henriques JF, Spíndola De Miranda S. Functional profile of patients with tuberculosis sequelae in a university hospital*. J Bras Pneumol. 2006;32(1):43–50.