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Objectif. Décrire les complications cochléovestibulaires (CCV) du diabète sucré chez le sujet congolais. Patients et méthodes. Étude transversale descriptive et prospective menée sur 10 mois, incluant les patients diabétiques hospitalisés ou suivis en ambulatoire. Les patients ayant des antécédents de surdité depuis l’enfance ont été exclus. Résultats. 43 patients atteints de diabète sucré ont été recrutés soit une prévalence hospitalière de 18,29%. Le sex ratio était de 1.1. La moyenne d’âge était de 53,7 ± 16,2 ans. Le signe fonctionnel le plus représenté était l’hypoacousie bilatérale (72.2%). La surdité de perception légère était retrouvée chez les patients atteints de diabète sucré de type 2 (46,51%) et de diabète sucré de type 1 (6,28%). La surdité de perception modérée était exclusivement retrouvée chez les patients diabétiques de type 2. Conclusion. La prévalence de la surdité est élevée chez les patients atteints de diabète sucré. La mise en œuvre des mesures préventives est nécessaire pour réduire la fréquence de cette complication.
Objective. To report the cochleovestibular complications of diabetes mellitus in Congolese subjects. Patients and Methods. This was a cross sectional prospective descriptive study conducted over 10 months, including inpatients and outpatients with diabetes. Patients with a history of deafness since childhood were excluded. Results. 43 patients with diabetes mellitus were included, giving a hospital prevalence of 18.29%. The sex-ratio was 1.1. The mean age was 53.7 ± 16.2 years. The most common functional sign was bilateral hypoacusis (72.2%). Mild sensorineural hearing loss was found in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (46.51%) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (6.28%). Moderate sensorineural hearing loss was found exclusively in patients with type 2 diabetes. Conclusion. Prevalence of deafness is high in patients with diabetes mellitus. Preventive measures should be implemented to reduce the frequency of this complication.
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- Klagenberg K.F, Zeigelboim B.S, Jurkiewiez A.L, Jackeline. M.B, vestibulocochlear manifestations in patients with type I Diabetes mellitus. Rev Bras otorinolaringol 2007, 73 (3) : 353-8
- Hlayisi V.G, Peterson L. Ramma L. High prevalence of disabling hearing loss in young to middle-aged adults with diabetes. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries 2018 : 0655-9.
- Lasisi O.A, O.G.B Nwaorgu, Bella A.F, Cochleovestibular complications of diabetes mellitus in Ibadan, Nigeria international congres series (1240) 2003 ; 1325-1328
- Ferreira J.M, Câmara MFS, Almeida PC, Brandao Neto J, Silva CAB ; Hearing Changes associated to complications and comorbidities in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ACR(Audiology – Communication Reaserch), 2013 ; 18(4) : 250 – 9.
- Nemati Sh, Hanssanzadeh, R Mehrdad. M, Kiass Hearing Status in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus According to Blood-sugar control : A comparative study. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2018 ; 30(4), 209-218.
- Osuji A.E, Da L-T, Unachukwu CN, Nwankwo B.E ; Pattern of jure tone hearing loss in Adult with type 2 diabetes Mellitus. Canadian hearing report 2021 ; 12-16.
- Nourizadeh N, Jahani M, Jafarzadeh S. Auditory and vestibular assessment of patients with type two diabetes mellitus : a case- control study ; Iranian journal of Otorhiolaryngology 2021 33(5) : 263-269.
- Adebola SO, Olamoyegun MA, Sogebi OA, Iwuala SO, Babarinde JA, Oyelakin AO. Otologic and audiologic characteristics of type 2 diabetics in a tertiary health institution in Nigeria. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 ;82(5):567-73.
- Sachdeva K, Azim S. Sensorineural hearing loss and type II diabetes mellitus. Int J Otorhinilaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 ; 4(2) : 499-50.
- Ju. Y.R, Park. H.S, Lee – M.Y, Jung J.Y et Choi. E.J. Clinical Features and hearing outcomes of sudden sensorineural haring loss in diabetic patient ; J. Audiol otol 2021 ; 25(1) : 27 – 35.
- Swain S. K et al, Incidence of hearing loss, Tinnitus and Vertigo among diabetes patients. Siriraj Med j. 2014 ; 66 : 179- 184.
- Yikawe S. S, Iseh K. R, Sabir A. A, Joseph H. S, Caleb M. Aliyu. N. Effet of duration of Diabetes Mellitus on hearing threshold among type 2 diabetes. Idian J otol 2017 ; 23 : 113-6.
- Ghoh U.C, Fakir A.Y, Osmany H. Q. O, Dipankar lodh, Islam Z, Islam. M. N. Effet of diabetes mellitus on hearing ; Bangladesh j otorhinolaryngol 2019 ; 25(2) : 116 – 124.
- Nwosu. J. N, Chime E.N, Hearing thresholds in adult Nigerians with diabetes Mellitus : a case- control study ; Diabetes, Metabolic syndrome and Obesity : Target and therapy 2017 ; 10 : 155 – 160.
Klagenberg K.F, Zeigelboim B.S, Jurkiewiez A.L, Jackeline. M.B, vestibulocochlear manifestations in patients with type I Diabetes mellitus. Rev Bras otorinolaringol 2007, 73 (3) : 353-8
Hlayisi V.G, Peterson L. Ramma L. High prevalence of disabling hearing loss in young to middle-aged adults with diabetes. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries 2018 : 0655-9.
Lasisi O.A, O.G.B Nwaorgu, Bella A.F, Cochleovestibular complications of diabetes mellitus in Ibadan, Nigeria international congres series (1240) 2003 ; 1325-1328
Ferreira J.M, Câmara MFS, Almeida PC, Brandao Neto J, Silva CAB ; Hearing Changes associated to complications and comorbidities in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ACR(Audiology – Communication Reaserch), 2013 ; 18(4) : 250 – 9.
Nemati Sh, Hanssanzadeh, R Mehrdad. M, Kiass Hearing Status in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus According to Blood-sugar control : A comparative study. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2018 ; 30(4), 209-218.
Osuji A.E, Da L-T, Unachukwu CN, Nwankwo B.E ; Pattern of jure tone hearing loss in Adult with type 2 diabetes Mellitus. Canadian hearing report 2021 ; 12-16.
Nourizadeh N, Jahani M, Jafarzadeh S. Auditory and vestibular assessment of patients with type two diabetes mellitus : a case- control study ; Iranian journal of Otorhiolaryngology 2021 33(5) : 263-269.
Adebola SO, Olamoyegun MA, Sogebi OA, Iwuala SO, Babarinde JA, Oyelakin AO. Otologic and audiologic characteristics of type 2 diabetics in a tertiary health institution in Nigeria. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 ;82(5):567-73.
Sachdeva K, Azim S. Sensorineural hearing loss and type II diabetes mellitus. Int J Otorhinilaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 ; 4(2) : 499-50.
Ju. Y.R, Park. H.S, Lee – M.Y, Jung J.Y et Choi. E.J. Clinical Features and hearing outcomes of sudden sensorineural haring loss in diabetic patient ; J. Audiol otol 2021 ; 25(1) : 27 – 35.
Swain S. K et al, Incidence of hearing loss, Tinnitus and Vertigo among diabetes patients. Siriraj Med j. 2014 ; 66 : 179- 184.
Yikawe S. S, Iseh K. R, Sabir A. A, Joseph H. S, Caleb M. Aliyu. N. Effet of duration of Diabetes Mellitus on hearing threshold among type 2 diabetes. Idian J otol 2017 ; 23 : 113-6.
Ghoh U.C, Fakir A.Y, Osmany H. Q. O, Dipankar lodh, Islam Z, Islam. M. N. Effet of diabetes mellitus on hearing ; Bangladesh j otorhinolaryngol 2019 ; 25(2) : 116 – 124.
Nwosu. J. N, Chime E.N, Hearing thresholds in adult Nigerians with diabetes Mellitus : a case- control study ; Diabetes, Metabolic syndrome and Obesity : Target and therapy 2017 ; 10 : 155 – 160.