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Objectif. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence de l’infection à VIH chez les patients atteints de cancers et le spectre des cancers associés au VIH en oncologie à Lomé. Méthodes. Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective et descriptive qui s’est déroulée entre le 1er Janvier 2016 et le 31 Décembre 2022. Tous les patients atteints d’un cancer associé à une infection VIH reçus en oncologie ont été inclus. Résultats. Au total 79 patients avaient une infection à VIH soit une prévalence de 4,5%. Les patients étaient en majorité de sexe féminin (n=57 ; 72,2%) avec un âge moyen de 50,3ans. L’infection au VIH était connue chez la plupart des patients avant le diagnostic du cancer (n=70 ; 88,6%). Le temps moyen de la durée de l’infection au VIH au diagnostic du cancer était de 8,77ans [6mois-30ans]. Le taux moyen de CD4 était de 366,77/µl de sang [3-1530/µl de sang]. Vingt-six patients (33%) avaient présenté des cancers classants SIDA. Treize patients (16,5%) avaient un lymphome non hodgkinien et les treize autres (16,5%) présentaient un carcinome épidermoïde du col utérin. Les cancers non classants SIDA ont été enregistrés chez 53 patients (67%). Les cancers du sein étaient les plus fréquents (n=13 ;16,5%) suivis des carcinomes de la conjonctive (n=9 ; 11,4%). Conclusion. Le panorama des cancers associés au VIH à Lomé est dominé par les cancers non classants SIDA. Cette étude permettra de planifier les stratégies de prévention des cancers parmi les personnes vivants avec le VIH au Togo.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV and the spectrum of malignancies among HIV-positive patients with cancer attending the oncology unit in Lomé Methods. We conduct a retrospective and descriptive study of patients with a histologic cancer associated with VIH infection from 1st January 2016 to 31 December 2022. Demographic data, HIV clinical variables, and cancer-related variables were collected. Results. Out of 1780 cancer patients, 79 (4,5%) were positive for VIH. Most patients were female (n=57; 72.2%). The mean age was 50.3 years. HIV infection was known in most patients before cancer diagnosis (n=70; 88.6%). The average time from HIV infection to cancer diagnosis was 8.77 years [6 months to 30 years]. The average CD4 count was 366.77/µl of blood [3-1530/µl of blood]. Twenty-six patients (33%) presented with AIDS-defining cancers. Thirteen patients (16.5%) had non-Hodgkin lymphoma and the remaining thirteen (16.5%) had squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Non-AIDS-defining cancers were recorded in 53 patients (67%). Breast cancers were the most common (n=13; 16.5%) followed by conjunctival carcinomas (n=9; 11.4%). Conclusion. The spectrum of HIV-associated cancers in Lomé is dominated by non-AIDS-defining cancers. This study will help to plan prevention strategies among people living with HIV in Togo.
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- UNAIDS Global AIDS Report 2022.
- Coghill AE, Newcomb PA, Madeleine MM, Richardson BA, Mutyaba I, et al. Contribution of HIV infection to mortality among cancer patients in Uganda. AIDS. 2013 Nov 28;27(18):2933-42. doi: 10.1097/01.aids.0000433236.55937. cb.
- Yarchoan R, Uldrick TS: HIV-associated cancers and related diseases. N Engl J Med.2018; 378:1029-1041.
- Ward M, Buehler MJW, Jaffe MHW, Berkelman RL. Revised classification system for HIV infection and expanded surveillance case definition for AIDS among adolescents and adults. MMWR Recomm Rep.1992; 41:1-19.
- Shiels MS, Pfeiffer RM, Gail MH, et al: Cancer burden in the HIV-infected population in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst.2011; 103:753-762.
- Vandenhende MA, Roussillon C, Henard S, Morlat P, Oksenhendler E, Aumaitre H, et al. ANRS EN20 Mortalité 2010 study group. Cancer-Related Causes of Death among HIV-Infected Patients in France in 2010: Evolution since 2000. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17;10(6): e0129550. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129550.
- Wang F, Xiang P, Zhao H, Gao G, Yang D, Xiao J, et al. A retrospective study of distribution of HIV associated malignancies among inpatients from 2007 to 2020 in China. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 21;11(1):24353. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03672-3.
- Cornejo-Juárez P, Cavildo-Jerónimo D, Volkow-Fernández P. Non-AIDS defining cancer (NADC) among HIV-infected patients at an oncology tertiary-care center in Mexico. AIDS Res Ther. 2018 Oct 27;15(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s12981-018-0202-2.
- Venkatesh KK, Saghayam S, Devaleenal B, Poongulali S, Flanigan TP, Mayer KH, et al. Spectrum of malignancies among HIV-infected patients in South India. Indian J Cancer. 2012 Jan-Mar;49(1):176-80. doi: 10.4103/0019-509X.98947.
- Traore B, Bah TS, Traore FA, Sow MS, Diane S, Keita M, et al. The Prevalence of HIV in Cancer Patients at the Surgical Oncology Unit of Donka University Hospital of Conakry (Guinea). J Cancer Epidemiol. 2015; 2015:387896. doi: 10.1155/2015/387896. Epub 2015 Dec 3.
- Jaquet A, Odutola M, Ekouevi DK, et al. Cancer and HIV infection in referral hospitals from four West African countries. Cancer Epidemiol.2015; 39:1060-1065.
- Bender Ignacio R, Ghadrshenas M, Low D, et al: HIV status and associated clinical characteristics among adult patients with cancer at the Uganda Cancer Institute. JCO Glob Oncol.2018; 4:1-10.
- Muturi D, Mwanzi SN, Riunga FM, Shah J, Shah R. HIV Prevalence and Characteristics Among Patients With AIDS-Defining and Non-AIDS-Defining Cancers in a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya. JCO Glob Oncol. 2023 Apr; 9: e2200360. doi: 10.1200/GO.22.00360.
- Mremi A, Mswima J, Mlay MG, et al: Cancer spectrum in HIV-infected patients: A zonal hospital experience in Tanzania. Cancer Treat Res Commun.2020; 25:100213. doi: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2020.100213
- Traoré AM ; Soukho-Kaya A ; Diabaté B; Cissé H; Dabo G; Sall, et al. Cancers associés à l’infection à VIH : Caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, et devenir des patients dans le service de maladies infectieuses de Bamako. Mali Med. 2021; 36(4): 50-53.
- Dabo G, Sodqi M, Marih L, Oulad Lahsen A, Chakib A, et al. Incidence des Cancers chez les Personnes Vivant avec le VIH Suivies à Casablanca. Health Sci. Dis. 2022; 23 (7):10-13.
- Gharbi A, Ammari L, Berriche A, Aissa S, kanoun F, Harrabi H, et al. Cancers classant sida et infection par le VIH : expérience tunisienne. Med Mal Infect. 2018; 48 (4):149
- Saka B, Mouhari-Toure A, Wateba I.M., Akakpo S, Kombaté K, A. et al. Maladie de Kaposi associée au VIH : 103 observations en dermatologie à Lomé (Togo). Med Sante Trop. 2013 ;23(1) :109-111. doi:10.1684/mst.2013.0145
- Amégbor, K., Darre, T., Ayéna, K. D., Padaro, E., Tengué, K., et al. Cancers in Togo from 1984 to 2008: epidemiological and pathological aspects of 5251 cases. J. Cancer Epidemiol. 2011; 7. Article ID 319872, doi:10.1155/2011/319872.
- Darre, T., Kpatcha, T. M., Bagny, A., Maneh, N., Gnandi-Piou, F., et al. Descriptive Epidemiology of Cancers in Togo from 2009 to 2016. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP. 2017; 18(12), 3407-3411. APJCP.2017.18.12.3407
- Adani-Ifè, A.A. (2021) Practice of Oncology in Low-Income Setting: A Review of Four Years Activities in Togo. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care, 6, 289-296.
- Nkomazana O, Tshitswana D. Ocular complications of HIV infection in sub-Sahara Africa. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2008 Aug;5(3):120-5. doi: 10.1007/s11904-008-0019-z.
- Nagaiah G, Stotler C, Orem J, Mwanda WO, Remick SC. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia in patients with HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. Curr Opin Oncol. 2010 Sep;22(5):437-42. doi: 10.1097/CCO.0b013e32833cfcf9. PMID: 20639761; PMCID: PMC4209293
UNAIDS Global AIDS Report 2022.
Coghill AE, Newcomb PA, Madeleine MM, Richardson BA, Mutyaba I, et al. Contribution of HIV infection to mortality among cancer patients in Uganda. AIDS. 2013 Nov 28;27(18):2933-42. doi: 10.1097/01.aids.0000433236.55937. cb.
Yarchoan R, Uldrick TS: HIV-associated cancers and related diseases. N Engl J Med.2018; 378:1029-1041.
Ward M, Buehler MJW, Jaffe MHW, Berkelman RL. Revised classification system for HIV infection and expanded surveillance case definition for AIDS among adolescents and adults. MMWR Recomm Rep.1992; 41:1-19.
Shiels MS, Pfeiffer RM, Gail MH, et al: Cancer burden in the HIV-infected population in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst.2011; 103:753-762.
Vandenhende MA, Roussillon C, Henard S, Morlat P, Oksenhendler E, Aumaitre H, et al. ANRS EN20 Mortalité 2010 study group. Cancer-Related Causes of Death among HIV-Infected Patients in France in 2010: Evolution since 2000. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17;10(6): e0129550. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129550.
Wang F, Xiang P, Zhao H, Gao G, Yang D, Xiao J, et al. A retrospective study of distribution of HIV associated malignancies among inpatients from 2007 to 2020 in China. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 21;11(1):24353. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03672-3.
Cornejo-Juárez P, Cavildo-Jerónimo D, Volkow-Fernández P. Non-AIDS defining cancer (NADC) among HIV-infected patients at an oncology tertiary-care center in Mexico. AIDS Res Ther. 2018 Oct 27;15(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s12981-018-0202-2.
Venkatesh KK, Saghayam S, Devaleenal B, Poongulali S, Flanigan TP, Mayer KH, et al. Spectrum of malignancies among HIV-infected patients in South India. Indian J Cancer. 2012 Jan-Mar;49(1):176-80. doi: 10.4103/0019-509X.98947.
Traore B, Bah TS, Traore FA, Sow MS, Diane S, Keita M, et al. The Prevalence of HIV in Cancer Patients at the Surgical Oncology Unit of Donka University Hospital of Conakry (Guinea). J Cancer Epidemiol. 2015; 2015:387896. doi: 10.1155/2015/387896. Epub 2015 Dec 3.
Jaquet A, Odutola M, Ekouevi DK, et al. Cancer and HIV infection in referral hospitals from four West African countries. Cancer Epidemiol.2015; 39:1060-1065.
Bender Ignacio R, Ghadrshenas M, Low D, et al: HIV status and associated clinical characteristics among adult patients with cancer at the Uganda Cancer Institute. JCO Glob Oncol.2018; 4:1-10.
Muturi D, Mwanzi SN, Riunga FM, Shah J, Shah R. HIV Prevalence and Characteristics Among Patients With AIDS-Defining and Non-AIDS-Defining Cancers in a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya. JCO Glob Oncol. 2023 Apr; 9: e2200360. doi: 10.1200/GO.22.00360.
Mremi A, Mswima J, Mlay MG, et al: Cancer spectrum in HIV-infected patients: A zonal hospital experience in Tanzania. Cancer Treat Res Commun.2020; 25:100213. doi: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2020.100213
Traoré AM ; Soukho-Kaya A ; Diabaté B; Cissé H; Dabo G; Sall, et al. Cancers associés à l’infection à VIH : Caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, et devenir des patients dans le service de maladies infectieuses de Bamako. Mali Med. 2021; 36(4): 50-53.
Dabo G, Sodqi M, Marih L, Oulad Lahsen A, Chakib A, et al. Incidence des Cancers chez les Personnes Vivant avec le VIH Suivies à Casablanca. Health Sci. Dis. 2022; 23 (7):10-13.
Gharbi A, Ammari L, Berriche A, Aissa S, kanoun F, Harrabi H, et al. Cancers classant sida et infection par le VIH : expérience tunisienne. Med Mal Infect. 2018; 48 (4):149
Saka B, Mouhari-Toure A, Wateba I.M., Akakpo S, Kombaté K, A. et al. Maladie de Kaposi associée au VIH : 103 observations en dermatologie à Lomé (Togo). Med Sante Trop. 2013 ;23(1) :109-111. doi:10.1684/mst.2013.0145
Amégbor, K., Darre, T., Ayéna, K. D., Padaro, E., Tengué, K., et al. Cancers in Togo from 1984 to 2008: epidemiological and pathological aspects of 5251 cases. J. Cancer Epidemiol. 2011; 7. Article ID 319872, doi:10.1155/2011/319872.
Darre, T., Kpatcha, T. M., Bagny, A., Maneh, N., Gnandi-Piou, F., et al. Descriptive Epidemiology of Cancers in Togo from 2009 to 2016. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP. 2017; 18(12), 3407-3411. APJCP.2017.18.12.3407
Adani-Ifè, A.A. (2021) Practice of Oncology in Low-Income Setting: A Review of Four Years Activities in Togo. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care, 6, 289-296.
Nkomazana O, Tshitswana D. Ocular complications of HIV infection in sub-Sahara Africa. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2008 Aug;5(3):120-5. doi: 10.1007/s11904-008-0019-z.
Nagaiah G, Stotler C, Orem J, Mwanda WO, Remick SC. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia in patients with HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. Curr Opin Oncol. 2010 Sep;22(5):437-42. doi: 10.1097/CCO.0b013e32833cfcf9. PMID: 20639761; PMCID: PMC4209293