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Introduction. The eating behaviour of an individual is the way they choose, consume, and manage their food. The purpose of this study is to determine unhealthy eating behaviours and associated factors among students in the educational environment of Bobo Dioulasso. Methodology. This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study conducted with volunteer students recruited systematically from July 23 to 24, 2021, during the first student health days at the Nazi BONI university in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. The dietary survey method used was a weekly food consumption frequency questionnaire. Results. A total of 138 students were included. The average age was 23.4 +/- 2.7 years. The male-to-female sex ratio was 0.4. Lack of fruit, vegetable, and dairy consumption were reported in 91.3%, 50.7%, and 63.8% of cases, respectively. Students excessively consumed fats and sugary drinks in 83.3% and 64.6% of cases, respectively. Alcohol consumption was reported in 24.6% of cases. Skipping meals was statistically associated with an increased risk of overweight (OR = 3.6; p = 0.037), while not consuming fats had a protective effect on the occurrence of hyperglycemia (OR = 0.27; p = 0.024). Male gender (OR = 2.37; p = 0.037) was associated with an increased risk of alcohol consumption. Conclusion. Student eating behaviors were characterized by excessive consumption of fatty and sugary foods, and insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.


Eating habits students nutrition Bobo-Dioulasso comportements alimentaires estudiantin nutrition bobodioulasso

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How to Cite
Bagbila Wend PAH, Sagna Y, Drabo L, Some Nab, Kyelem CG, Yaméogo TM, … Kyelem CG. (2024). Unhealthy Eating Habits among Students in Bobo-Dioulasso . HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 25(2).


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