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La survenue de l’abcès hépatique en période néonatale est rare. A nos jours moins de 200 cas néonatals ont été publiés. L’origine parasitaire est encore plus exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons un cas d’abcès hépatiques multiples d’origine parasitaire chez un nouveau-né, de sexe masculin. Il a été reçu dans le service de néonatologie du CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako dans un tableau d’altération de l’état général associée à une hépatomégalie douloureuse dans un contexte fébrile. L’échographie a objectivé une hépatomégalie hétérogène par la présence de foyers de collection liquidienne évoquant cinq abcès. Aucun germe n’avait été retrouvé au cours des examens cytobactériologiques successifs du pus. Les deux sérologies amibiennes réalisées par immunofluorescence indirecte sont revenues fortement positives avec augmentation de la cinétique des anticorps de 1/320 à 1/2560 à 16 jours d’intervalle (valeur normale < 1/160). L’évolution a été favorable sans séquelles sous le métronidazole associé à des séances de ponction échoguidée.
The occurrence of hepatic abscess in neonatal period is rare. To date, fewer than 200 neonatal cases have been published, and parasitic etiologies are clearly exceptional. We report a case of multiple liver abscesses of parasitic origin in a newborn male. He was admitted to the neonatal department of University Hospital (UH) Gabriel Touré in Bamako, where he suffered a general condition associated with painful hepatomegaly in a feverish context. Ultrasound found an heterogeneous hepatomegaly with the presence of five liquid collections compatible with abscesses. No germs were identified during the successive cytobacteriological examinations of pus. Two amoeban serologies performed by indirect immunofluorescence were strongly positive with an increase in the kinetics of the antibodies from 1/320 to 1/2560 at 16 days interval (normal value < 1/160). The evolution was favorable without sequelae under Metronidazole associated with ultrasound-guided puncture sessions.
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- Ur Rahman S, Ghalib A, Abdulghani M H, Jan A. Liver Abscess in a Term Baby: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal;2019;1(1-2): 27–29
- Bosnalı O, Moralıoğlu S, Cerrah Celayir A, Pektaş O. Liver abscess: increasing occurrence in premature newborns. J Neonatol Surg 2013;2;23
- Filippi L, Poggi C, Gozzini E, Meleleo R, Mirabile L, Fiorini P. Neonatal liver abscesses due to Candida infection effectively treated with caspofungin. Acta Paediatr 2009;98;906–9.
- Simeunovic E, Arnold M, Sidler D, Moore SW. Liver abscess in neonates. Pediatr Surg Int 2009;25:153-6
- Semerci SY, Babayigit A, Cebeci B, Buyukkale G, Cetinkaya M. Hepatic abscesses in preterm infants: report of three cases and review of the literature. J Trop Pediatr 2016;62; 255–60.
- Singh AP, Gupta AK, Ansari M, Kumar SM. Neonatal liver abscess with impending rupture presenting as abdominal wall swelling: a rare case. J Clin Neonatol 2017;6;270–2
- Overturf GD. Infections of liver chap 10. In: Remington J, Klein J, Baker W, editors. Infectious Diseases of Fetus and Newborn, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsivier Saunders; 2015. p. 1092-100
- Oktav B, Moralioglu S, Celayir AC, Pektas O. Liver abscess: Increasing occurrence in premature newborns. J Neonat Surg 2013;2:23
- Merten DF, Kirks DA. Amebic Liver Abscess in Children: The Role of Diagnostic Imaging. AJR 1984 ;143:1325-1329
- Sacko K, Togo P, Maiga B et al. Les Abcès Hépatiques dans le Département de Pédiatrie du CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako, Mali. Une Étude de 31 Cas. Health Sci. Dis 2019 : 20 (4) :71-75.
- Diallo VMPC, Deguenonvo LF, Manga NM et al. (2018) Characteristics of Liver Abscess in Department of Infectious Diseases at Fann Teaching University Hospital in Dakar, Senegal. Advances in Infectious Diseases,8, 23-31
- Lam HS, Li AM, Chu WC, Yeung CK, Fok TF, Ng PC, et al. Mal-positioned umbilical venous catheter causing liver abscess in a preterm infant. Biol Neonate 2005;88:54-6
- Moens E, Dooy JD, Jansens H, Lammens C, Op de Beeck B, Mahieu L, et al. Hepatic abscesses associated with umbilical catheterisation in two neonates. Eur J Pediatr 2003; 162:406-9
- Moss TJ, Pysher TJ. Hepatic abscess in neonates. Am J Dis Child 1981;135:726-8.
- David F Merten. And Donald. A. Kirk. Review. Amebic Liver Abscess in. Children: The Role of. Diagnostic. Imaging. AJR 1984,143 : 1325-1329.
- Scragg JN. Hepatic amoebiasis in childhood. Trop Doct 1975;5:132-134
- Bafna S, Kirthana SB, Bafna V, Lad S, Ravikanth M. Case report of multiple hepatic microabscesses in a term neonate. Indian J Child Health.2018; 5(3):228-230.Doi: 10.32677/IJCH.2018.v05.i03.021
- Adams EB, MacLeod IN. Invasive amebiasis: amebic liver Abcess and its complications. Medicine 1977;56:325-334
- Rode H, Davies MAO, Cywes S. Amoebic liver abcesses in and childhood. S Aft J Surg 1978;1 6:131-138
- Haffar A, Boland FJ, Edwards MS. Amebic liver abscess in children. Pediatr Infect Dis 1982;1 :322-327
- Harrison HA, Crowe CP, Fulginiti VA. Amebic liver abscess in children: clinical and epidemiologic features. Pediatrics 1979;64:923-928
- Bari S, Sheikh KA, Malik AA, Wani RA, Naqash SH. Percutaneous aspiration versus open drainage of liver abscess in children. Pediatr Surg Int 2007;23;69–74
- Lee SH, Tomlinson C, Temple M, Amaral J, Connolly BL. Imaging-guided percutaneous needle aspiration or catheter drainage of neonatal liver abscesses: 14-year experience. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2008;190;616–22
- Shah I, Bhatnagar S. Liver abscess in a newborn leading to portal vein thrombosis. Indian J Pediatr 2009;76;1268–9
Ur Rahman S, Ghalib A, Abdulghani M H, Jan A. Liver Abscess in a Term Baby: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal;2019;1(1-2): 27–29
Bosnalı O, Moralıoğlu S, Cerrah Celayir A, Pektaş O. Liver abscess: increasing occurrence in premature newborns. J Neonatol Surg 2013;2;23
Filippi L, Poggi C, Gozzini E, Meleleo R, Mirabile L, Fiorini P. Neonatal liver abscesses due to Candida infection effectively treated with caspofungin. Acta Paediatr 2009;98;906–9.
Simeunovic E, Arnold M, Sidler D, Moore SW. Liver abscess in neonates. Pediatr Surg Int 2009;25:153-6
Semerci SY, Babayigit A, Cebeci B, Buyukkale G, Cetinkaya M. Hepatic abscesses in preterm infants: report of three cases and review of the literature. J Trop Pediatr 2016;62; 255–60.
Singh AP, Gupta AK, Ansari M, Kumar SM. Neonatal liver abscess with impending rupture presenting as abdominal wall swelling: a rare case. J Clin Neonatol 2017;6;270–2
Overturf GD. Infections of liver chap 10. In: Remington J, Klein J, Baker W, editors. Infectious Diseases of Fetus and Newborn, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsivier Saunders; 2015. p. 1092-100
Oktav B, Moralioglu S, Celayir AC, Pektas O. Liver abscess: Increasing occurrence in premature newborns. J Neonat Surg 2013;2:23
Merten DF, Kirks DA. Amebic Liver Abscess in Children: The Role of Diagnostic Imaging. AJR 1984 ;143:1325-1329
Sacko K, Togo P, Maiga B et al. Les Abcès Hépatiques dans le Département de Pédiatrie du CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako, Mali. Une Étude de 31 Cas. Health Sci. Dis 2019 : 20 (4) :71-75.
Diallo VMPC, Deguenonvo LF, Manga NM et al. (2018) Characteristics of Liver Abscess in Department of Infectious Diseases at Fann Teaching University Hospital in Dakar, Senegal. Advances in Infectious Diseases,8, 23-31
Lam HS, Li AM, Chu WC, Yeung CK, Fok TF, Ng PC, et al. Mal-positioned umbilical venous catheter causing liver abscess in a preterm infant. Biol Neonate 2005;88:54-6
Moens E, Dooy JD, Jansens H, Lammens C, Op de Beeck B, Mahieu L, et al. Hepatic abscesses associated with umbilical catheterisation in two neonates. Eur J Pediatr 2003; 162:406-9
Moss TJ, Pysher TJ. Hepatic abscess in neonates. Am J Dis Child 1981;135:726-8.
David F Merten. And Donald. A. Kirk. Review. Amebic Liver Abscess in. Children: The Role of. Diagnostic. Imaging. AJR 1984,143 : 1325-1329.
Scragg JN. Hepatic amoebiasis in childhood. Trop Doct 1975;5:132-134
Bafna S, Kirthana SB, Bafna V, Lad S, Ravikanth M. Case report of multiple hepatic microabscesses in a term neonate. Indian J Child Health.2018; 5(3):228-230.Doi: 10.32677/IJCH.2018.v05.i03.021
Adams EB, MacLeod IN. Invasive amebiasis: amebic liver Abcess and its complications. Medicine 1977;56:325-334
Rode H, Davies MAO, Cywes S. Amoebic liver abcesses in and childhood. S Aft J Surg 1978;1 6:131-138
Haffar A, Boland FJ, Edwards MS. Amebic liver abscess in children. Pediatr Infect Dis 1982;1 :322-327
Harrison HA, Crowe CP, Fulginiti VA. Amebic liver abscess in children: clinical and epidemiologic features. Pediatrics 1979;64:923-928
Bari S, Sheikh KA, Malik AA, Wani RA, Naqash SH. Percutaneous aspiration versus open drainage of liver abscess in children. Pediatr Surg Int 2007;23;69–74
Lee SH, Tomlinson C, Temple M, Amaral J, Connolly BL. Imaging-guided percutaneous needle aspiration or catheter drainage of neonatal liver abscesses: 14-year experience. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2008;190;616–22
Shah I, Bhatnagar S. Liver abscess in a newborn leading to portal vein thrombosis. Indian J Pediatr 2009;76;1268–9