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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major concern in hemodialysis (HD) units due to its high prevalence and the associated morbidity and mortality. We carried out a cross-sectional study to evaluate the incidence and potential risk factors of seroconversion to anti-HCV positivity in a group of patients on maintenance HD at a tertiary hospital in Cameroon. Patients on HD for at least 3 months with a negative baseline serology for anti-HCV antibodies tested with a third -generation ELISA were included.  The study period was March and April 2010.  Serological testing was done with a third- generation ELISA (Monolisa anti-HCV plus version 2, Biorad). Relevant patient data was noted. The percentage of seroconverts to anti-HCV positivity was noted and factors associated with seroconversion sought for. Standard statistical tests were used for analysis. A p-value<0.05 was used to characterize statistically significant results. A total of 40 patients (70% males) were elligible. The mean age was 48±13yrs, median duration on dialysis = 17 months (IQR12-25.7), median number of blood units transfused=5 (IQR 3-18.5). Ten of the 40 developed anti-HCV antibodies on dialysis (cumulative incidence rate 25%). A longer duration on dialysis (14 vs. 27 months, p=0.003); and a higher number of blood units received (19.5 vs. 5 units, p<0.001) were significantly associated with seroconversion. The cumulative seroconversion rate of HCV antibodies is very high in this study when compared to western countries. Blood transfusions and the non-adherence to universal infection control measures appear to be the main determinants of this nosocomial infection.


hemodialysis hepatitis C seroconversion risk factors

Article Details

Author Biographies

Gloria Enow Ashuntantang, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde 1

Department of Internal Medicine & Specialties,

Richard Njouom, Centre Pasteur Du Cameroun

Virology Laboratory

Antoine Nyope Ngemhe, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde I

Department of Internal Medicine & Specialties

Francois Folefack Kaze, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde I

Department of Internal Medicine & Specialties

Henry Nnamme Luma, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde I

Department of Microbiology, Parasitilogy and Hematology

Oudou Njoya, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1

Department of Internal Medicine & Specialties
How to Cite
Ashuntantang, G. E., Njouom, R., Kengne, A. P., Ngemhe, A. N., Kaze, F. F., Luma, H. N., & Njoya, O. (2013). Incidence and potential risk factors for seroconversion to Hepatitis C positivity in patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis in Sub-Saharan Africa: A single center study. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 14(1).


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