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Introduction. La perte dentaire constitue un problème majeur de santé publique dont tous les facteurs associés ne sont pas totalement connus. L’objectif de notre étude était d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’extraction dentaire permanente. Méthodologie. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale en utilisant les données du système de gestion hospitalier du service d’odontostomatologie de 2018 à 2020 à l’hôpital Fousseyni Daou de Kayes au Mali. Les facteurs associés ont été identifiés en faisant des analyses de régression logistique avec le logiciel SPSS version 25.0. La taille de l’échantillon était de 4567 dossiers de patients. Résultats. La proportion d’extraction était de 71,4%. La carie dentaire était la principale raison d’extraction dentaire (70,9%) et les molaires étaient les types de dents les plus extraites (71,6 %). Les facteurs associés à l’extraction dentaire étaient la tranche d’âge de 61 ans et plus (OR=1,916; IC95% [1,368-2,682]); le sexe (OR=1,365; IC95% [1,170-1,591]); la carie dentaire (OR=31,031; IC95% [15,955-60,352]), les complications infectieuses des dents (OR=7,818; IC95% [5,487-11,139]); la douleur (OR=2,728; IC95% [2,227-3,341]). Conclusion. L’extraction dentaire reste encore élevée dans la région de Kayes. Les données de cette étude suggèrent que les facteurs de sociodémographiques et sanitaires augmentent le risque de subir une extraction dentaire. Le contrôle et la prévention de ces facteurs de risques serait important afin de réduire la fréquence de cette affection au Mali.
Introduction. Tooth loss is a major public health problem of which all the associated factors are not fully known. The objective of our study was to identify the factors associated with permanent tooth extraction. Method. We carried out a cross-sectional study using data from the Hospital Management System (HMS) of the odontostomatology department from 2018 to 2020 at the Fousseyni Daou hospital in Kayes, Mali. Associated factors were identified by performing logistic regression analyzes with SPSS version 25.0 software. the sample size was 4567 patient records. Results. The proportion of extraction was 71.4%. Tooth decay was the main reason for tooth extraction (70.9%) and molars were the most extracted types of teeth (71.6%). The factors associated with dental extraction were the age group of 61 years and over (OR=1.916; 95% CI [1.368-2.682]); gender (OR=1.365; 95% CI [1.170-1.591]); dental caries (OR=31.031; 95% CI % [15.955-60.352]), dental infectious complications (OR=7.818; 95% CI [5.487-11.139]); pain (OR=2.728 95% CI [2.227-3.341]). Conclusion. Tooth extraction is still high in the Kayes region. The data from this study suggest that socio-demographic and health factors increase the risk of undergoing tooth extraction. The control and prevention of these risk factors would be important in order to reduce the frequency of this condition in Mali.
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- Abena MEN, Guiadem CG, Mengong H, Fotio RSD, Messanga CB. Raisons d’Avulsion Dentaire en Stomatologie en Milieu Camerounais. Health Sci Dis [Internet]. 28 juill 2020 [cité 1 févr 2022];21(8). Disponible sur:
- OMS. Améliorer la santé bucco-dentaire dans le cadre des travaux portant sur la couverture sanitaire universelle et les maladies non transmissibles à l’horizon 2030 [Internet]. [cité 5 juill 2022]. Disponible sur:
- Kassebaum NJ, Bernabé E, Dahiya M, Bhandari B, Murray CJL, Marcenes W. Global Burden of Severe Tooth Loss. J Dent Res [Internet]. juill 2014 [cité 7 juill 2022];93(7 Suppl):20S-28S. Disponible sur:
- Fejerskov O, Escobar G, Jøssing M, Baelum V. A functional natural dentition for all--and for life? The oral healthcare system needs revision. J Oral Rehabil. sept 2013;40(9):707‑22.
- Baelum V, van Palenstein Helderman W, Hugoson A, Yee R, Fejerskov O. A global perspective on changes in the burden of caries and periodontitis: implications for dentistry. J Oral Rehabil. déc 2007;34(12):872‑906; discussion 940.
- GBD 2017 Oral Disorders Collaborators, Bernabe E, Marcenes W, Hernandez CR, Bailey J, Abreu LG, et al. Global, Regional, and National Levels and Trends in Burden of Oral Conditions from 1990 to 2017: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study. J Dent Res. avr 2020;99(4):362‑73.
- Kimmie-Dhansay F, Pontes CC, Chikte UME, Chinhenzva A, Erasmus RT, Kengne AP, et al. Impacts of Tooth Loss on OHRQoL in an Adult Population in Cape Town, South Africa. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 8 mai 2021;18(9):4989.
- Kawahara H, Inoue M, Okura K, Oshima M, Matsuka Y. Risk Factors for Tooth Loss in Patients with ≥25 Remaining Teeth Undergoing Mid-Long-Term Maintenance: A Retrospective Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 5 juill 2021;18(13):7174.
- Cheng F, Zhang M, Wang Q, Xu H, Dong X, Gao Z, et al. Tooth loss and risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke: A dose-response meta analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194563.
- Taiwo OA, Alabi OA, Yusuf OM, Ololo O, Olawole WO, Adeyemo WI. Reasons and pattern of tooth extraction among patients presenting at a Nigerian semi-rural specialist hospital. Nig Q J Hosp Med. sept 2012;22(3):200‑4.
- Dixit LP, Gurung CK, Gurung N, Joshi N. Reasons underlying the extraction of permanent teeth in patients attending Peoples Dental College and Hospital. Nepal Med Coll J. déc 2010;12(4):203‑6.
- Annuaire statistique du Mali 2018 [Internet]. [cité 29 oct 2021]. Disponible sur:
- Kané AST. Causes of Dental Extractions in the Odontology Service of Bamako Military Hospital (Ihb) Mali [Internet]. [cité 1 févr 2022]. Disponible sur:
- Tiwari T, Scarbro S, Bryant LL, Puma J. Factors Associated with Tooth Loss in Older Adults in Rural Colorado. J Community Health. juin 2016;41(3):476‑81.
- Fransson H, Bjørndal L, Frisk F, Dawson VS, Landt K, Isberg PE, et al. Factors Associated with Extraction following Root Canal Filling in Adults. J Dent Res [Internet]. juin 2021 [cité 10 juin 2022];100(6):608‑14. Disponible sur:
- Gomes VV, Gondinho BVC, Silva-Junior MF, Cavalcante D de FB, Bulgareli JV, de Sousa M da LR, et al. Tooth loss in adults: factors associated with the position and number of lost teeth. Rev Saude Publica [Internet]. [cité 11 juill 2022];53:105. Disponible sur:
- Casarin M, Nolasco W da S, Colussi PRG, Piardi CC, Weidlich P, Rösing CK, et al. Prevalence of tooth loss and associated factors in institutionalized adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Cien Saude Colet. juill 2021;26(7):2635‑42.
- Tenani CF, Silva Junior MF, Lino CM, Sousa M da LR de, Batista MJ. The role of health literacy as a factor associated with tooth loss. Rev Saude Publica. 2021;55:116.
Abena MEN, Guiadem CG, Mengong H, Fotio RSD, Messanga CB. Raisons d’Avulsion Dentaire en Stomatologie en Milieu Camerounais. Health Sci Dis [Internet]. 28 juill 2020 [cité 1 févr 2022];21(8). Disponible sur:
OMS. Améliorer la santé bucco-dentaire dans le cadre des travaux portant sur la couverture sanitaire universelle et les maladies non transmissibles à l’horizon 2030 [Internet]. [cité 5 juill 2022]. Disponible sur:
Kassebaum NJ, Bernabé E, Dahiya M, Bhandari B, Murray CJL, Marcenes W. Global Burden of Severe Tooth Loss. J Dent Res [Internet]. juill 2014 [cité 7 juill 2022];93(7 Suppl):20S-28S. Disponible sur:
Fejerskov O, Escobar G, Jøssing M, Baelum V. A functional natural dentition for all--and for life? The oral healthcare system needs revision. J Oral Rehabil. sept 2013;40(9):707‑22.
Baelum V, van Palenstein Helderman W, Hugoson A, Yee R, Fejerskov O. A global perspective on changes in the burden of caries and periodontitis: implications for dentistry. J Oral Rehabil. déc 2007;34(12):872‑906; discussion 940.
GBD 2017 Oral Disorders Collaborators, Bernabe E, Marcenes W, Hernandez CR, Bailey J, Abreu LG, et al. Global, Regional, and National Levels and Trends in Burden of Oral Conditions from 1990 to 2017: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study. J Dent Res. avr 2020;99(4):362‑73.
Kimmie-Dhansay F, Pontes CC, Chikte UME, Chinhenzva A, Erasmus RT, Kengne AP, et al. Impacts of Tooth Loss on OHRQoL in an Adult Population in Cape Town, South Africa. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 8 mai 2021;18(9):4989.
Kawahara H, Inoue M, Okura K, Oshima M, Matsuka Y. Risk Factors for Tooth Loss in Patients with ≥25 Remaining Teeth Undergoing Mid-Long-Term Maintenance: A Retrospective Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 5 juill 2021;18(13):7174.
Cheng F, Zhang M, Wang Q, Xu H, Dong X, Gao Z, et al. Tooth loss and risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke: A dose-response meta analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194563.
Taiwo OA, Alabi OA, Yusuf OM, Ololo O, Olawole WO, Adeyemo WI. Reasons and pattern of tooth extraction among patients presenting at a Nigerian semi-rural specialist hospital. Nig Q J Hosp Med. sept 2012;22(3):200‑4.
Dixit LP, Gurung CK, Gurung N, Joshi N. Reasons underlying the extraction of permanent teeth in patients attending Peoples Dental College and Hospital. Nepal Med Coll J. déc 2010;12(4):203‑6.
Annuaire statistique du Mali 2018 [Internet]. [cité 29 oct 2021]. Disponible sur:
Kané AST. Causes of Dental Extractions in the Odontology Service of Bamako Military Hospital (Ihb) Mali [Internet]. [cité 1 févr 2022]. Disponible sur:
Tiwari T, Scarbro S, Bryant LL, Puma J. Factors Associated with Tooth Loss in Older Adults in Rural Colorado. J Community Health. juin 2016;41(3):476‑81.
Fransson H, Bjørndal L, Frisk F, Dawson VS, Landt K, Isberg PE, et al. Factors Associated with Extraction following Root Canal Filling in Adults. J Dent Res [Internet]. juin 2021 [cité 10 juin 2022];100(6):608‑14. Disponible sur:
Gomes VV, Gondinho BVC, Silva-Junior MF, Cavalcante D de FB, Bulgareli JV, de Sousa M da LR, et al. Tooth loss in adults: factors associated with the position and number of lost teeth. Rev Saude Publica [Internet]. [cité 11 juill 2022];53:105. Disponible sur:
Casarin M, Nolasco W da S, Colussi PRG, Piardi CC, Weidlich P, Rösing CK, et al. Prevalence of tooth loss and associated factors in institutionalized adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Cien Saude Colet. juill 2021;26(7):2635‑42.
Tenani CF, Silva Junior MF, Lino CM, Sousa M da LR de, Batista MJ. The role of health literacy as a factor associated with tooth loss. Rev Saude Publica. 2021;55:116.